Experts in supporting businesses
With over 20 years of experience collaborating with employers, TCHC provides a variety of courses to enhance your staff’s skills. We offer opportunities for you to connect with a pool of job-ready candidates for free.

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Employers we work with...

What employers say...

"Octavius Infrastructure work closely with participants at Restart in Aylesbury Vale by delivering Employability Workshops. Each session aims to empower, help build confidence whilst learning new skills to help them on their journey to employment. We are passionate about making a difference in people's lives and helping prepare them for opportunities not just within the construction industry but other industries too."

"Ocado in Bicester has been working with Restart to successfully support local people into new careers. With members of the Aylesbury Restart Team, we have arranged for people to visit the Bicester Warehouse where they have been able to experience Ocado's High-tech delivery operations and great working conditions in practice."