Parents & Carers
Information for Parents & Carers
It is important that you are able to get your child the best possible start to their career. At TCHC, we have options available to young people after they leave school. We offer study programmes which can help bridge the gap from education to work.
TCHC takes its safeguarding responsibilities very seriously and we want to ensure that all people using our centres and services are kept safe from all forms of harm.
Please click the button below to head over to our main safeguarding page.
Careers and Education Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
At TCHC, we believe in empowering students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their chosen careers.
Please click the button below to head over to our main CEIAG page.
Financial Support
Based on your circumstances, you may be eligible for financial support. This could help with travel, free meals, or assistance with buying equipment. If you need help or advice please contact us on [email protected]
To view out Learner Bursary Policy, please click here.
This is up to £1,200 per academic year. It is a mandatory award to learners who fulfil the following criteria themselves:
- In care
- Care leavers
- Receiving Income Support, or Universal Credit because they are financially supporting themselves or financially supporting themselves and someone who is dependent on them and living with them such as a child or partner
- Receiving Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments in their own right as well as Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit in their own right
Are you eligible for financial support?
Institutions must obtain proof that students meet the criteria for the bursary for vulnerable groups in full. In other words, that they are in receipt of the specified benefits in their own name or that they fully meet the definitions for in care/care leavers. Institutions should ask for evidence from each student and retain copies for audit purposes. For example:
- For students who are in care or a care leaver, written confirmation of their current or previous looked after status from the relevant local authority – this is the local authority that looks after them or provides their leaving care services. The evidence could be a letter or an email but must be clearly from the local authority.
- For students in receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit (UC), a copy of their Income Support or UC award notice. This must clearly state that the claim is in the student’s name/confirm they are entitled to the benefits in their own right. The evidence must not state any conditions that prevent them from participating in further education or training. For students in receipt of UC, institutions must also see a tenancy agreement in the student’s name, a child benefit receipt, children’s birth certificates, utility bills and so on.
- For students receiving UC/ESA and Disability Living Allowance and Personal Independence Payments, a copy of their UC claim from DWP. Evidence of receipt of Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment must also be provided. UC claimants should be able to print off details of their award from their online account.
UC claimants should be able to print off details of their award from their online account. The evidence needs to be dated within the 3 months prior to applying and starting on their course.
Source for information
TCHC can make discretionary bursary awards to help learners with the cost of travel, or specialist clothing (such as interview clothing, for example). These are items learners would otherwise need to pay for in order to participate. TCHC will award discretionary bursaries according to household income and in three bands:
- Up to £16,190
- £16,191 to £29,999
- Over £30,000
Are you eligible for financial support?
TCHC must base all decisions about which learners receive a discretionary bursary and how much bursary they receive on each learner’s individual circumstances and their actual financial need. These will vary from student to student, depending on, for example, their household income, the distance they need to travel to the centre and the requirements of their study programme. TCHC may decide to retain a small emergency fund from their allocation to support students who face.
TCHC must base all decisions about which learners receive a discretionary bursary and how much bursary they receive on each learner’s individual circumstances and their actual financial need. These will vary from student to student, depending on, for example, their household income, the distance they need to travel to the centre and the requirements of their study programme.
TCHC may decide to retain a small emergency fund from their allocation to support students who face exceptional circumstances during the year due to a change in their situation – if it impacts their ability to participate in education..
Source for information
Learners may qualify for assistance towards the cost of healthy and nutritious food, whilst in attendance on their programme. The award of free school meals is based on the household receiving one of the following benefits:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
- Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- The guarantee element of State Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit (provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190, as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC))
- Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for 4 weeks after someone stops qualifying for Working Tax Credit
- Universal Credit (UC) with net earnings not exceeding the equivalent of £7,400 for each year (after tax and not including any benefits they get)
If you encounter any issues or have concerns, kindly communicate them with a tutor or the centre manager, this will enable them to address and resolve the matter.
If you require further assistance, please call 01923 698430 and we will deal with your query as quickly as possible.
To view our Complaints Policy, please click here.
Further Support Agencies
Here is a list of tools that you can gain additional support from:
Online Parenting Courses with Family Lives
Parenting has always been a challenging journey, often without any clear guidelines. Traditional sources of wisdom may not always offer the insights you need. The rapid changes in society in the UK often surpass the knowledge of recent years, leaving many parents navigating a confusing mix of conflicting advice. With adult lives becoming more hectic than ever, Family Lives has created a range of online parenting courses to help simplify this journey. If you’re interested, please click the link below:
Family Lives also provides a confidential helpline service for families in England and Wales (formerly known as Parentline).
You can reach them for emotional support and guidance on any parenting and family life concerns. Their website is another great resource for valuable advice and support.
Telephone: 0808 800 2222
Email: [email protected]

Local Authority Support
Find your local authority and visit their website for further support.