Restart Scheme

What is the Restart Scheme?

The Restart Scheme, delivered on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions, provides tailored support for individuals who are claiming Universal Credit and have been in the IWSR (Intensive Work Search Regime) for 6 months. Our support ensures that individuals are ready for the right job at the right time.

If you live in Aylesbury Vale and are interested in the Restart Scheme please speak to your JCP work coach to check your eligibility.

Job starts

Watch this video to find out more...


Build your confidence, update your CV, and prepare you for interviews


Identify skills, introduce you to new job sectors and match you to vacancies


Help you to find work placement and provide support once you’re working

Join our Job Club!

Every THURSDAY we deliver a Job Club to support participants getting into work.

  • Understanding skills for the workplace
  • Confidence & mindset tips
  • Interview tips & prep
  • CV writing & job searching

Understanding Skills for the workplace

Confidence & Mindset Tips

Interview Tips & Prep

CV Writing & Job Searching


Information, Advice and Guidance
Take a look at our Careers page which can offer you information, advice and guidance.
Click Here

Karen Palmer

Restart Manager

Welcome to the Restart Scheme in Aylesbury Vale! As the Delivery Manager here in Aylesbury I wanted to take some time to introduce myself and share the vision and values that guide our work. 

I have had the pleasure and privilege of leading the Restart Team since July 2022 bringing over 15 years experience of working in the sector as a lead in driving performance and aiming to ‘change people’s lives through employment and skills.’ 

All our knowledgeable and experienced Employment Coaches are well equipped in empowering, motivating and supporting our participants on the Restart Scheme with a plethora of resources available to support our participants in their lives, skills, health and work to not only re-enter employment but also to sustain that employment.

Even after many years of working in the employment sector, the highlight of this job is seeing people’s personal life situations change in many ways and ultimately by achieving their individual goals in becoming more socially and economically active. 


Are you an employer?

With 19 years of experience collaborating with employers, TCHC provides a variety of courses to enhance your staff’s skills. We offer opportunities for you to connect with a pool of job-ready candidates for free.

What our Participants think...

"I am looking forward to being comfortable in work again."
“I now feel motivated to gaining employment”
"TCHC has helped me get back on my feet."

Contact Us

Find out how we can help you...

Aylesbury Restart Team

01296 255011
Walker House, George Street, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP20 2HU

Get in touch...

Let’s have a chat